It's launch time!
Welcome to the team!

Top tips! Make sure you click 'Buy for free' directly on the Amazon website (not your Kindle device/Kindle store). You can read the eBook on the FREE Kindle App - available for the App Store or Google Play. The eBook works best on an iPad/tablet rather than a Kindle Paperwhite.

There's just ONE question to answer! I basically just want to know what you and your little ones think about the book. Please return your questionnaire by Friday, 6th September. And please, please, pleeeease share your feedback on Amazon too, as this will really help get this book noticed on Amazon. You will also be asked if you'd like to enter the school visit giveaway.

On Saturday, September 7th, I will contact the first 25 respondents and send them a discount code for their free paperback book. They can then go ahead and order a book of their choice from my bookshop.

I will also announce the WINNER of the free half-day author visit. Be sure to enter this giveaway in the questionnaire!